Love is a dangerous game, Episode 2

                                             EPISODE  2
Phillip in his bedroom can remember the day before Shontel’s birthday, he has hit down a young woman on his way home. He can still not forget what the woman has said to him on her hospital bed.
‘Tomorrow is my birthday but it seems to me that I won’t enjoy my 18th birthday. Thank you for paying my hospital bills…………pls accept this gift as a token for my life you saved’
‘But I was the one who hit you down and what I’m I to do with a lady’s dress’
‘I know, you can give it to your sister or a girl you love. I just don’t know but I feel like this my current birthday should be memorable’
Then Phillip has remembered Shontel’s birthday, thank the young woman and left.

Everyone in John’s house has engaged him or herself in one activity or the other that early morning for the departure of Patrick to India.
           John being the happiest of all had continuously thanked Shontel after finding out that she was the one who persuaded Patrick into accepting his father’s proposal.
Shontel had been moody since morning. To her, she can say that Patrick’s temperament is sanguine, is to this reason that she is not always bored at home. But the reverse is the case in Phillip, he has come to be phlegmatic.
With Patrick departure, John’s family will face the music pertaining to their social life. Then Shontel will come to face Phillip in full now without Patrick intervention.
‘Tel dear, come on, don’t be moody, he is not gone forever, after all Phillip is here for you ‘Mrs. Miller said and wave her hand to draw   
Shontel’s attention to herself.
Patrick walked down to the sitting room fully dressed with his luggage.
Mr. John went about selecting those that will escort Patrick to airport to take his flight.
‘hi! Shontel, why aren’t you dressed up yet? time is not on our side again,
‘Dad, I will like not to go’
‘Ok dear there’s no problem, Phillip you can escort Patrick to the airport with your mother. I will be going to work, I have employee’s conference with my workers and am almost late for it, see you all. Pls Patrick don’t forget any of what I have told you’’
‘my tel dear, live well and don’t fall sick, I promise you won’t wait long for me……………………as Patrick was still talking, he was interrupted by the arrival of his friends Bryan, Stan, Cross, Michael and Jan.

After the dinner that night. Shontel went to her room earlier than usual unlike her. Miller sensed that all is not well with Shontel and followed her along.
Shontel went straight to her bed and lie down.
‘Tel, you can laugh off worries that you can’t scare off with a frown, concern should drive you into action and not into depression dear. Remember that Patrick is my son, if you’re like this, what do you expect of me. To break down?...............
‘Mum, I can’t imagine that you also misunderstood my feelings till now!
‘is it your love for Phillip?
‘But he doesn’t love you?
‘That’s what we think but it’s not so’
Shontel went to her safe box and brought out the 19th birthday gift. Mrs. Miller kept on watching her to know what she was up to
‘Mum, I told you that I do not receive his gift but it seems like he sent it through the wrong hand. 
‘Have you asked him?
‘look dear, am not trying to argue with your findings but one secret of life is not to do what one likes, but to try to like that which one has to do. Try and keep to your promise with Patrick and forfeit this your feelings for Phillip’
‘Yes, my dear, this is a candid advice from me to avoid any heart break later. Good night, sleep well’ 
Mrs. Miller end up the discussion as she leaves the room. In the last three days, after she saw that 19th birthday gift, she has not been herself. It hurt to see that Miller is not in support of her feelings. Knowing well that Patrick is crushing on her and will be seriously hurt to know that she loves his brother. Thinking about the effect of this on the sibling relationship and their father’s reaction about it especially against her. she just knows that its only Mrs. Miller that can make his husband understand but right now, she seems not to be on the same page with her. The recent happenings kept on pointing at something to her. ‘YOU DON’T BELONG HERE’ Shontel hate one thing the most which is her DESTINY
            She bent down to pick up her phone from the only desk in the room which is as old as the room.



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